It seems that there is a terrible misconception out there amongst the public about gay men: because we are sexually attracted to men we must think and act like prissy women.
So wrong.
The majority of this misconception – believe it or not – is commonly found among women. They perceive gay men as ‘safe’ and reason that because men are attracted to men they are not a threat to their individual person or sexuality. This leads to a mental neutering of the gay men in the minds of women who expect them to act – and think – as kin women. Heterosexually men are not so much misunderstanding of gay men as much as they feel threatened, but they perceive gay men as wanting to be and act as women.
Boy is that every so wrong!
Gay men like to be one thing first and foremost: MEN. Second to that is our desire to sleep with other men.
That’s it. Nothing more.
Let me just clear up a few errors taken for granted:
GAY MEN ALL HAVE FASHION SENSE. Really? News to me and the rest of the gay world. Some gay men are colorblind or live in a world of tan and white. We’re not all on top of the latest trends or music, are born with an instinct for colors, know the latest craze or artiste on the billboards. We just a little more apt to express our appreciation of the finer things that life has to offer. And NO, we do not like frills and flounces. Gay men come in all shapes, sizes and careers; they’re in construction as much as retail, in home remodeling as much as offices; in maintenance or on oil drills as much as in the army. And they blend in because they are…….men.
ALL GAY MEN ARE EITHER DEMURE OR REALLY GIRLY. No, we like noise. And lots of it. Ever been to a gay club in your life? We like then packed, hung and NOISY! And we are just as lecherous and lewd with the male strippers as hetero men are with female strippers. We’re LOUD. We’re CRUDE. We like making insensitive jokes and comments to each other. And boy do we like to muthafucking cuss like there is no tomorrow. And just as much as straight men like to boast to their fellow mates about how they “banged that chick last night!”, gay men also like to boast about how got to ‘suck that..”….well, you get the idea.
ALL GAY MEN ARE NEAT. God, I wish! The majority are slobs: mounds of dirty laundry thrown around the bedroom, on the furniture, using the old scratch ‘n’ sniff test to determine wear- ability….and the pee stains around the toilet!!!! Ugh. Trust me, I’ve done the research.
ALL GAY MEN ARE METICULOUS ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE. Grooming tips can be lost on men in general – gay or straight. So can hygiene practices. And just because a man takes care of his appearance does not mean he’s automatically gay – that’s an insult to conscientious and groomed men around the world.
5. GAY MEN CAN NOT FIGHT OR DEFEND THEMSELVES. Okay – you need to watch gay porn to get rid of that conception; all the men are buffed beyond belief and can kick ass if needed, and that’s a body type we strive for by going to the gym regularly. Gay men are just as much to get into bar fights as straight men. Why? We’ve been defending ourselves since kindergarten……and we ain’t taking shit from anyone – capice?
GAY MEN DO NOT MIND IF WOMEN CHANGE IN FRONT OF THEM. Yes – WE DO! If we wanted to see you breastesses and couchies we’d be STRAIGHT men, okay? Seeing….um…those things (gag) is slightly traumatic to a gay man, just as straight men do NOT like staring at another man’s junk while he changes – okay? And YES, you do look fat in that……..
GAY MEN ARE HOPLESS WITH MECHANICAL ITEMS OR HOW TO FIX THINGS. Really. See item number 1. Also, we are the ones responsible for the trend of buying houses, FIXING ‘EM UP OURSELVES, and selling them for a profit. It’s called flipping. Kinda what we want to do to persons who think we’re mechanically challenged
GAY MEN ARE SENSITIVE AND CARING. Again – really? Tell that to my last ex- and numerous cads who think it nothing to sleep around despite their partners feelings. Wait – isn’t that similar to hetero men sleeping around too? Strange, this and many similarities that just keep popping up when comparing straight and gay men.
GAY MEN SEE WOMEN AS GIRL FRIENDS TO BE CHUMMY WITH. No, we don’t – you’re the enemy. And yes, we do want to sleep with your cute boyfriend. Sometimes we look at him and wonder “what the hell does this cutie see in her fat arse?!”
The bottom line is – men are men, gay or straight. We dogs, we’re assholes, we’re loving, we’re caring, we’re sensitive, we’re clueless, we’re smart and we’re clueless.
We’re men.
Do not make assumptions based on poor stereotypes, or men could use the same approach and would just go around thinking that all women are crazy, hormonal, domineering, controlling bitches that just want to get knocked up to trap you into marriage and screw you out of your hard earned money………
…oh, wait……