Today began as usual - same ole', same ole'. Got out of bed, stretched, wiped the crud from my eyes and pondered, "dear God, what am I going to do today?" I thumped the bed trying to rouse the 13lb hairy mutt I shared my apartment with who slept in his own world under my bed.
"Oi dog," I called as I thumped the bed repeatedly, "wake up ya' lazy bugger...."
From the depths of the ragged comforter which he daily burrowed into for rest came the deep growl of a very cranky animal. He sounded worse than I do when I realize I actually have to wake up and face reality.
"Ah, screw you," I said as I walked to the bathroom to go through my usual ritual.
As I stood performing mandatory bodily morning functions I remembered the noxious fumes that woke me during the night. "I don't know what I'm feed that damn dog," I thought as I washed my face in an attempt to remove traces of sleep from my mind and spirit.
I shuffled into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee I glanced outside and noted that although it was well after nine in the morning outside was lite with a bleak sky.
"Great," I thought, "just another friggin' gray day in Chicago..now what?"
1 comment:
Well finally...it is about time you started using your talents....good show..
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