There's also been a lot of debate as to the extent of the coverage given to this incident - and the media's obsession of subsequent revelations of 'alleged' affairs by Mr. Woods with (to date) three different women. Why the obsession liberal media? Why, entertainment reporters, is Mr. Woods the sole focus of your programs?
I think I have and idea: the media have FINALLY found a crack in Tiger Woods' perfect image.
Personally, I've always disliked the man because he always came across as, well, to use British colloquialism - a smug prig. He always acted as if he was better than anyone else and to make it worse he was actually good at what he did. Top of his game. The envy of the world. And rich. And allegedly "not a person of color"...(his words, not mine).
Now, to discover all this salacious news about his supposed insatiable sexual appetite - it's just what Tiger haters like myself have been looking for: a chink the size of New York in his armor of fake perfection. And to hear that he's throwing money at his problems and they're NOT going away - gravy, just effing gravy! I can't wait to find out what happens next!!
How does it feel to be human Mr Woods - you priggish ass?
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