Tuesday, November 24, 2009

LISTEN (from the motion picture 'Dreamgirls') - Beyonce

Just sitting here listening to the movie 'Dreamgirls' playing in the background as I work on the computer and I am at the part where Beyonce sings the song 'Listen'.

I really wasn't a fan of Beyonce when the movie came out (subconsciously blamed her for the break-up of Destiny's Child), but when I first saw her perform this song in the movie all was forgiven and I've been a fan since.

So, here's what I think is an inspirational song to play whenever anyone is trying to make you seem significant - enjoy!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Listening to the radio this morning I heard about a new website that's absolutely HILLARIOUS!!!

It's called PassiveAgressiveNotes.com, and it features those notes seen around the office, stores, public transportation, etc.

Take some time to visit - it just might make your day!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Here's how to read the Sarah Palin book GOING ROGUE.........

Pages 1 and 2 - Use for morning constitution movement.

Pages 3 and 4 - Use for evening constitution movement.

Pages 5, 6 and 7 - Picking up your dog's constitution movement(s).

Pages 8 and 9 - Use to clean grease from stove deposited by that day's cooking.

Pages 10 and 11 - Use to wipe stray urine from toilet bowl rim.

Get the drift?

Now going for under $10 in most places - it's a better deal than buying TP or paper towels for use around the house...and will commit the bitch to something she's totally against: recycling waste for good use.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BLAST FROM THE PAST: "When You're Young and in Love" by Ralph Carter

Remember the youngest brother 'Michael Evans' from the hit 70s TV show 'Good Times'? Did you know he did a remake of the Marvelettes hit "When You're Young and In Love"?

Well smack me down and call me "Sammy" - I didn't!

Here's his performance on the icon of music of the 70s - 'Soul Train' - enjoy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


From the blogsite 'Beliefnet' comes the following story:

"Any time the citizens of a state, particularly a democracy, invoke their faith to pray for the demise of those they oppose politically, we should be concerned. When the call for such prayers becomes one of the most popular Google searches in the country, we should shake, especially those of us who believe in God, prayer and the Bible. Psalm 109, verse 8, went viral this morning in just that way.

Among the world's top Google searches today are phrases that contain the words "Psalms 109 8", and "Psalm 109 8 prayer for Obama". For those of you who may not know that particular verse, it reads "May his days be few, may another take over his position." And before anyone excuses this toxic use of scripture as nothing more than the wish that President Obama not be re-elected to a second term of office, the next verse in the psalm reads, "May his children be orphans and his wife a widow".

In fact, the entire chapter is about the prayed for death of an evil person. Not to mention that anyone who knows enough Bible to have thought about this verse in particular, surely knows the entire chapter and appreciates its message. Pretty scary stuff. (more)..."

The evangelicals of this country are one contributing factor to my extreme aversion to organized religion (the fanatics of Islam, Judaism and the Catholic faith's stand against homosexuality, sex education and abortion are the other factors).

Evangelicals are now selling t-shirts, cups, bumper stickers, etc, with the above quoted psalm - and that takes the cake - and has severed any vestige of possibility of my re-joining any organized faith.

'Cause if praying for the death of your president, the death of gays, killing people who perform abortions, exercising racism, violence and exclusion is what makes one a Christian, Muslim or Jew - I'd rather rot in hell first.


Thursday, November 12, 2009


The time has come for me to try to educate the public on the topic of mental illness.

Mental illness is not a passing fad, nor is it to be dismissed as a slump in one’s thinking. Mental illness affects 1 out of every 6 persons, and can be temporary or long lasting. Mental illness can also be genetic, as well as a result of environmental variables such as physical and verbal abuse, or as a result of peer pressure leading to anorexia and bulimia. Mental illness can mild as well as severe and can affect one or many persons, like when a schizophrenic goes berserk and starts a shooting spree.

(A lot of you will believe in mental illness when staring down the barrel of a gun, right? Although some Christians will think only think the person is just evil and doing the work of the devil, but then again I believe religion is a form of severe mental illness but I digress….)

Mental illness is also attributed to chemical imbalances in one’s body that can result in altered states – just as how a lack of insulin causes diabetes, or a lack of certain vitamins can lead to scurvy or rickets.

Please note: mental illness is different from brain damage or mental retardation which are a result of physical influences and not mental illness.

Let me try to relate to you how mental illness is a real ailment and not “made-up’ by people:

When you feel ‘ill’ with no physical symptoms – how do you get the doctor to believe you and diagnose your illness? You tell him what you are feeling. So why should he believe you? Think about it – if you’re feeling severe pain in your arm of which there is not any physical evidence, you’re left to describe what you pain feels like to the doctor, when it occurs and what aggravated your pain. OR, if you are having a migraine – how is he to know or believe you? You’re just describing how your feeling – and he cannot find anything physically wrong. However you say you are in pain, you describe what you are going through, and based on your description the doctor will recommend or prescribe medication to alleviate your pain…or possibly lead to a cure.

We take for granted that doctors can diagnose non-visual physical symptoms, but for some inane reason the public cannot understand mental illness symptoms which uses the EXACT same process?

Why can’t you accept it?

Just like physical symptoms a person describes how they are thinking and feeling, what are their thoughts, what triggered a particular episode or incident, and what the resulting action was. Based on this input the physiatrist prescribes medication to alleviate the symptoms with medication and therapy.

Mental illness is not something that one can snap out of, no more than anyone can just snap out of recurring migraine headaches, recurring muscle cramps, nor snap out of recurring acid reflux or nausea.

And left untreated mental illness – just like physical illnesses – it can result in death.

Think about that instead.

Stop being ignorant and take some time to learn about mental illness – you just might be surprised at what you learn.

For more information on mental illnesses go here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


He started the current "religious conservative" movement - and I will NEVER forgive him for that.

He implemented unbridled de-regulation of the markets that lead to the numerous 'bubbles' that keep plaguing our country and the mentality that "greed is good".

He's the one who said "we're gonna run this country like a corporation". Yeah, where the ones of the bottom rungs of the ladder were dispensable - usually minorities.

He's the one who planted the idea of "tickle-down economics" with tax cuts for the wealthy. He's now entrenched as the god and idol of the wealthy.

He's the one who came out against and planted the idea of how bad "socialized medicine" would be.

His economic policies were the contributing factors to the current federal deficit problems.

The only positive thing that came out of the Reagan's presidency was his foreign policies - which helped to bring an end to the Cold War.

The legacy he left behind is not one to be proud of. But again, love him or hate him - his presidency was a memorable one.


I love classical music, but it’s, like, over.

Last night, all I wanted to do was murder everyone. For reals.

I told you, love sores hurt good.

Kelly, I might as well tell you I tried cocaine on Fire Island.

I’m Google/Facebook stalking girls I used to have crushes on.

Tell all your hefty friends I don’t want them around me.

I have 31 male cousins and a brother, so yeah, I know how to wrestle.

Washing is not just rubbing it on your face.

Watching him make decisions is like watching a cow poop in the woods.

You actually did leave your panties in a bunch on my floor last night. I washed them for you, because I am a nice person.

Since when did you care about stains, Mr. Come?


Have you ever wondered what a kid goes through when he joins the army? This set of over 50-odd pics in vivid clarity gives you a glimpse of days in the life of a young soldier joining, training, being deployed, the effect on his life at homes, etc. They say a picture is worth a thousand words – this is proof of that. .

Very well done – kudos to The Denver Post!!!!!

Click here to go directly to the feature.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

(Time to play "sports lesbian" and do) AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHICAGO BEARS - they SUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!

Look, I am loyal to my city’s sports teams and almost fanatically embrace the philosophy that “baseball dives Chicago; football unites us”, but the performance of the Chicago Bears this season has forced me to re-think my unquestioned devotion to the team.

The Chicago Bears were Super Bowl winners in the ‘80s, even creating the 80s lexicon ‘the Super Bowl Shuffle’. Up to January of 2007 the Bears again made it to the Super Bowl for that season, but lost after a hard-fought battle against the Indiana Colts. Even in 2008 the Bears played a good season losing a steady set of wins to the Minnesota Vikings. .

But this year? I have to use a well know acronym to describe what many in Chicago are asking: WTF?!

Not only have the Bears been losing, but they’re losing badly.

Two weekends ago they lost spectacularly to the Cincinnati Bengals in a game ending 45 to 10. To lose by 35 points was just……HARSH.

The following week the Bears – fortified in strength by the humiliating loss the week before to one Ohio team, took their frustration out against the other Ohio team – the Cleveland Browns – and won by 30 points (CIN 6, CHI 36).

Today, however, the team seems to have forgotten any winning strategy whatsoever, and are being solidly whipped by the Arizona Cardinals. In the first quarter the Cardinals lead 14 to 7, and by the end of the first half they had increased their score by – well – TOO MUCH: 28 to 7.

The game is now in the last quarter and a lot has happened. The team’s quarterback Jay Cutler has been thrown out temporarily, the opposing team has increased the gap to 34, leaving the Bears holding on to the single digit of 7. The Bears defense has been non-existent, and the offense has been too busy changing their tampons to fully participate in the game going on around them.

Do I sound bitter?

To quote my loathed nemesis Sarah Palin: “You betcha’!”

When Rex Grossman was leading the team in the 2006/2007 the city crucified him, and suggested that they switch quarterbacks in order to make it to the Super Bowl. The difference is that Grossman lead the team to a Super Bowl, while Culter now struggles in Grossman’s shadow.

Will the Bears make any sedge way toward the Super Bowl? At this time it seems extremely unlikely, but the future is oh so unpredictable.

Kinda like saying the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series…..one day……….


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