Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Has anyone heard about this? 

In a recent BBC interview financial independent trader Alessio Rastani created an instant internet firestorm when he claimed that “governments do not rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.”  Answering questions about world leaders' response to the eurozone debt crisis, the 34-year-old said traders "know the stock market is finished. The euro, as far as they're concerned, they don't really care".

“For most traders, we don't really care that much how they're going to fix the economy, how they're going to fix the whole situation -- our job is to make money from it," he said.  "Personally I've been dreaming of this moment for three years. I have a confession, which is I go to bed every night, I dream of another recession."

He went on to advise people worried about the European debt crisis not to wait on the government to come up with a solution, and predicted that in 12 months the world economy will be in such a state that people’s savings will be wiped out. 

Since the interview some have claimed that Rastani was a hoaxer with a US based protest group called The Yes Men trying to stir up controversy, but the group has since confirmed that he was NOT affiliated with them in any way.  Also, the BBC stands by the interview and claims that detailed research was conducted on his background before he was invited to be interviewed. 

Meanwhile, response to this interview has been mixed.  Generally there has been justified outrage at such heartless statements, but some are just shrugging their shoulders and acknowledging that what he said is just the plain truth. 

BBC business editor Robert Peston said on Twitter that Rastani had merely "voiced what traders working for big firms and funds say in private," while the Financial Times asked in a blog entry "Do traders dream of defaulting Greeks?" 

Personally, I think that the BBC business editor is right – this IS what traders pray and hope for in private.  In this day of unregulated financial excesses the rich bankers and corporations are getting greedier and greedier, making money not from good old fashioned hard work from manufacturing, production, trade and other tried-and-true methods, but from smoke screens and mirrors as they push papers, bonds and other complex financial “products” they dream up for this nightmare called the world economy. 

And YES, I believe that it is the devil’s minions – conservatives, Republicans, Tea Party racists and right wingers – who are the vessel for which this is being carried out. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the rich have declared war on the middle and working class of the world and it’s time for us to fight back.  And that fight starts with contacting your elected representative and letting them know exactly how you feel about the current economic situation and frankly if they don’t do something about it – VOTE THEM OUT!!! 

(And if that doesn’t work there’s always the second Amendment solution……)

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