I do NOT hate the Republican party - I disagree with some (okay, a lot) of items of their dogma - especially the 'faith and values' clause. I also disagree with the extent of their 'conservatism' in dealing with day-to-day issues facing today's society.
And tolerance is not their strong point.
However, most Republicans are loyal, patriotic, law abiding Americans who faithfully believe in the best interests of the country through free market principles with minimum government interference. So, to re-iterate: I do NOT hate the Republican party, I HATE GEORGE W. BUSH.
(And select members of his cabinet, but, that's for another posting.)
Why, Adrian, you may ask, do you so vehemently loathe the man?
Because I hold him accountable for a lot that has gone wrong with the current administration and the current chaos of the country, and because he cast suspicion on THE ONE THING I thought could never be compromised, bought, sold, and stood for principle and trust: the presidency of the United States of America.
Though his actions with the Saudis he has implied that we're at their beck-and call. Why was it that immediately after the attack on the World Trade Center when all air traffic in the U.S. were grounded, was the Saudi family of Bin-Laden allowed to fly out of the U.S.? Why does he make frequent visits to that country as if to file reports with his boss?
Through his actions regarding the Iraqi War he has implied that he was finishing a fight lost by his father, placing the lives of American soldiers for sale and barter. Why was Halleburton and other such companies granted un-contested lucrative government contracts for services to the armed forces stationed in Iraq? Why did he keep the arrogant Donald Rumsfeld in charge for so long to grossly mismanage the war effort?
Through his actions regarding Hurricane Katrina, the housing market and (pretend) ignorance to rising fuel costs he has shown his indifference to domestic economic issues.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: his attack on the LGBT community during the 2004 general election. He equated the LGBT community to terrorists and behaved no better than the recently chastised Rev Jerimiah Wright. Bush spouted nonsical rhetoric, using irrationality to stir up ignorance amongst the American people.
I'll never forgive him for that.
He knows better: through slip-ups when mikes were 'live' or from leaks in White House administration it has been shown that the man is NOT as stupid as he let's on, it's just an act to appeal to the common man, to show that he is one of them. HE CHOSE his path, the laziest path that left the burden of responsibility on his cabinet and not him.
May he rot in the annals of history as the worst president - EVER.
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