Saturday, August 30, 2008


After the surprise announcement yesterday of Alaska governor Sarah Palin being selected as John McCain's running mate in the gubernational election (to be addressed in another posting), I decided to spend time on the internet reading the reaction of both sides to the announcement.

I visited my usual fare - Towleroad - and read the comments made by readers on the announcement. (Click here to indulge - they're actually funny as well as insightful.) The opinionated queens were out in full force spewing catty remarks by the ton. My overall impression (when you got past the name-calling; these queens crack me up) was that although they think it was a bold move by McCain, it will eventually backfire on him. The other most expressed emotion was....fear, fear that if McSame does win this election (God/Allah/Yahweh/Buddah/Krishna forbid!) it will set back the GLBT movement by 100 years - a feeling I also echo.

After an overdose of far-left Democratic views and commentary I decided to take a "fair and balanced" approach...and visit the far right-side of the political world. Taking a very, very, VERY deep breath I typed in the url and hit ENTER.

The first few minutes of browsing the website of the 'unofficial" mouthpiece of the Republican party was not as nauseating as I thought it would be; they even seem to have more stories about the DNC convention than on the selection of Palin as VP for the GOP ticket. (I still, however, have a fear that my short visit was noted and that somewhere on my lap top's hard-drive lurks spyware that was covertly added.)

"Hmmm," I thought to myself, "I wonder what the chatter is about in the blogs of Republicans..."

And with that thought I Googled 'republican blogs' and went a little sight-seeing.

Ten minutes later I was reeling from the hate and venom from a particular website that extolled the view of "Why I Won't Vote for a N**er", on top of the previous blog site that began with Bible-thumping reasons why Palin was a great choice.

I quickly closed my browser hoping to erase what I just experienced, and decided my brief foray in to Republicanland was the most time I'll ever want to spend in that depraved environment.

I felt as if I had taken a roll in the mud of prejudice and ignorance.

Then it hit me - if America could be duped into voting Bush in for a second term, what is stopping them from making a second terrible mistake and voting in an rich, hot-headed aging senator and a greenhorn former beauty queen/anti-feminist/anti- GLBT?

My nausea just returned...

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