This presidential election in the U.S. is one that will go down in history books...and all for the wrong reasons. Reports coming in from around the country where fear and intimidation is being used against supporters of Barack Obama.
In North Carolina Obama supporters found their tyres slashed after an Obama rally. There are also reports of jeering and vocal intimidation by supporters of the McCain/Palin ticket to early voters.
Also in North Carolina the body of a dead black bear was found wrapped in Obama Signs. (click here.)
In Ohio, someone put up as his Halloween decoration the effigy of a ghost hung by a noose with the word OBAMA clearly painted on the front, gently swinging over a McCain/Palin sign. The man was unapologetic and said is WAS intended as a racist message and not political one.
Most of these acts were carried out by self-declared Republicans.
I am still searching the internet for any similar reports being carried out by Obama supporters but have not found any as yet.
Then there is the congresswoman from Minnesota - Rep Michele Bachmann (R) - who told MSNBC's Chris Matthews during Friday's broadcast of Hardball with Chris Matthews insinuated (a la McCarthy style) that there needs to an investigation into members of congress to find out who are "pro-American and anti-American".
These are just a few incidents that have been cropping up since the start of early polling for this contentious election. I think that the election will bring out the true colors of the American people, and this should be viewed to be a good thing - it will force all Americans to take a good, long look at themselves as a people in the mirror to see if they have integrated and grown socially as a nation. The answer will be: somewhat, but not as much as we thought.
The problem is that there is a lot of hate and ignorance out there that is being cultivated for use by power-hungry despots who really do not really care about the welfare of the American people.
Now let me be clear - taking advantage of the mindset of rampant ignorance is NOT unique to the USA; on the contrary, it is unfortunately widespread throughout the world. So are the opportunists who use it for their ambitious agenda.
Regardless of whoever wins the 2008 U.S. presidential election one thing is sure: these incidents are a cold, harsh dose of reality to self-righteous Americans who think the the USA is not without problems and that we should force our supposed progressive ideas on other countries and nations through armed invasion or financial intimidation.
They will now be forced to realize that they have a ton of work to do in their own backyard instead