This is a site dedicated to the thoughts, comments, views and opinions of a transplanted Jamaican who - through the love, support and toleration of his family - makes his opinions known. Filters on written content may - or may not - be applied, depending on the side of the bed one gets up from, the impact of dreams the nights before, and so forth. CAUTION: A bizarre mix of Jamaican, British, American and LGBT humor is found throughout this blog.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
SOME OF THE MOST HATEFUL AND IGNORANT COMMENTS EVER - courtesy of your local right-wing talk show nutcase

On Obama: "We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds... because his father was black." Rush Limbaugh
On the Presidency: "Can we pray for the re-election of George Bush?" Sean Hannity
On religion: "It doesn't say anywhere in the constitution this idea of the separation of church and state." Sean Hannity
On climate change: "If you believe the mainstream media hype, you'd think that every time you drive your SUV, the Earth's temperature rises six degrees." Glenn Beck
On waterboarding: "I am for enhanced interrogation. I don't believe waterboarding is torture... I'll do it. I'll do it for charity." Sean Hannity
On the UN: "I just wish [Hurricane] Katrina had only hit the United Nations building, nothing else, just had flooded them out, and I wouldn't have rescued them." Bill O'Reilly
On weapons of mass destruction: "If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologise to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush Administration again, all right?" Bill O'Reilly
On race: "I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." Bill O'Reilly
On Islam: "I have a number of things that I am gonna demand and one of them is that no more Muslim immigrants come into this country. No more mosques be permitted to be built in this country...and yes we need racial profiling immediately..." Michael Savage
On immigration: "You don't have the right to protest. You're allowed no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organising... you're a foreigner, shut your mouth or get out." Rush Limbaugh
On politics: "Good for you, you have a heart, you can be a liberal. Now, couple your heart with your brain, and you can be a conservative." Glenn Beck
On homosexuality: "The gay and lesbian mafia wants our children. If it can win their souls and their minds, it knows their bodies will follow. Of course, it wants to homosexualise the whole country, not just the children" Michael Savage
On feminism: "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society." Rush Limbaugh
(For the full story courtesy of The Independent click here.)
On a personal observation - the Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot with their attacks on Sotomayer

Gingrich, for example, focused on a 2001 speech in which Sotomayor said: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male." [sic]
Limbaugh labeled Sotomayor "a reverse racist" over a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit against a group of white firefighters who sued New Haven, Conn., for alleged discrimination.
Former Bush administration adviser Karl Rove has questioned the intellect of Sotomayor, a graduate of Princeton University and Yale Law School, while Curt Levey of the conservative Committee for Justice argued she was "picked because she's a woman and Hispanic, not because she was the best qualified."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yowsa! Swiss farmer Adrian Remund from Basel-Landschaft seems to be going for the "cute and cuddly" factor while posing for an upcoming erotic calendar. (Read full article here.)
Friday, May 22, 2009
I must admit that lately I am disappointed with the direction your administration seems to be taking. Your recent stance on issues such as Don't Ask Don't Tell, not prosecuting those who authorized the use of torture and your now awkward plans regarding the closing of Guantanamo Bay is troubling. What began as a spectacular start to your presidency is quickly morphing into slick political maneuvering for what I see as either calculated approaches to policy to ensure either another term in office, or delivery of more seats in Congress to the Democratic Party in next year’s mid-term elections.
With regards to social issues – instead of channeling the strengths of notable leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi or Marcus Garvey, you seem to be embracing the weaknesses of the George W. Bush administration.
I am absolutely horrified by your speech yesterday that put forth the notion of ‘prolonged detention’ whereas persons deemed - even remotely - as possible threats to national security without actual cause, grievances or previous actions may be detained indefinitely. To me that translates to mean that if someone in authority doesn’t agree with my views or something I say - that they can put me behind bars for an unlimited time under the ruse of being a ‘possible threat’.
Where is the “Change We Need” that you promised?
I think you need to re-read your own book ‘The Audacity of Hope’ to remind yourself of your previously untainted thoughts prior to your appointment to the White House.
Because lately it seems that your administration is touting ‘The Audacity of Hype”.
PLEASE NOTE: members of the GLBT community are NOT second class citizens and should be afforded equal rights – if you can not repeal ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ at least issue an executive order to halt enforcement of that insidious law.
My faith in you is rapidly diminishing – can you make me a believer again?
(You may submit your own comments to the White House at
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Synopsis: "GREEK is tells the story of freshman Rusty who arrives at his sister's college and decides he no longer wants to be the boring geek from high school. Now he must deal with his sister, sorority girl Casey, who denies his existence, Evan, his sister's boyfriend who denied him a bid to his fraternity because he told Casey about his infidelity, Dale his uptight roommate who thinks Greeks are only about drinking and fornication, and Calvin and his new friend who is in Evan's fraternity and having trouble dealing with his homosexuality."
The show also stars Spencer Grammer, daughter of Emmy winning actor Kelsey Grammer.
Don't miss GREEK airing Monday nights on ABC Family - a NEW kind of family!
She’s attracted to white guys that look Mexican.
“I went and did some ’ludes.” “Do they even make ’ludes anymore?”
Because I’m a motherfucking lady.
I wrestled that stroller like it was a sand shark.
So your hat is your personality.
My mom e-mailed me from the same room.
I’m usually smoked-out way before 4:20.
A bag wouldn’t help; I’d still know what she looked like.
I saw peach-fuzz, and there was no peach.
Why are you harshin’ my mellow?
I fucking hate my life. The only good thing is that my dick is huge.
I’m not running for the bus; I ran to get to this country.
Snort it all.
I’m more interested in the length than the color.
You think he’d be flattered to be called “hotcakes.”

Mesnick just stood there grinning idiotically at his last-minute-change-of-mind girlfriend Molly Malaney during the interview.
Mark you - the guy is soooooo easy on the eyes (YOWSA!) but.............oh well! I guess when someone looks that good you're not really dating them for conversation - are you?
(Retract your claws now bitch....)

However, if he doesn't act on these matters after next year's mid-term election Obama will NOT win a second term in office.
It's all politics folks......but why do the American people ALWAYS have to pay the price?
With regards to DODT, Obama's presidency is beginning to look a lot like Clinton's; is the GLBT community going to get shafted AGAIN?!
Friday, May 8, 2009

Today I read that pin-up sensation Farrah Fawcett is in her last days after losing her battle with cancer. I remember watching 'Charlie's Angels' and being fascinated with Farrah's hair and Jaclyn's Smith's make-up.
I also remember the disco days in the '70s, especially the release of 'Rock the Boat' and 'Freak Out' by Le Chic.
I also remember the disco version of the song 'If You Could Read My Mind' sung by Viola Wills. A major hit during the reign of disco the song briefly hit the pop charts once again after the biopic movie '54' was released in 1998.
Sadly, Viola passed away on May 6th after a long illness. Here's remembering her like we all did in the days of disco:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Drew Peterson FINALLY arrested!!!!

Drew Peterson was arrested Thursday on murder charges relating to his third wife, Kathleen Savio.
Illinois state police said Peterson was taken into custody at about 5:30 p.m. Thursday after a traffic stop near his home. Police had staked out his home all day, said police Capt. Carl Dobrich, but waited for Peterson to leave to arrest him out of concern for his three children, who were inside the house.
Wills County State's Attorney James Glasgow said he believes the case is strong and said Peterson is being held on $20 million bond.
"This is an extremely grave and serious matter and it is reflected in the bond," Glasgow said.
Drew Peterson has been an embarrassment for Chicagoans. For most of us who live in Chicagoland that is convinced that Peterson is as guilty as all hell and have been forced to watch him parade around as a free man and a media oddity, tonight's arrest of the son-of-a-bitch comes as welcome news and a source of jubilation.
We will be watching developments on this case VERY CLOSELY.