This is a site dedicated to the thoughts, comments, views and opinions of a transplanted Jamaican who - through the love, support and toleration of his family - makes his opinions known. Filters on written content may - or may not - be applied, depending on the side of the bed one gets up from, the impact of dreams the nights before, and so forth. CAUTION: A bizarre mix of Jamaican, British, American and LGBT humor is found throughout this blog.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009

Liz Cheney - devil spawn of former Vice President Dick Cheney and right hand to Mephistopheles - recently came out and criticized President Obama for going to Dover Air Force Base to meet and honor the bodies of patriotic Americans who died in the current war in Afghanistan.
During an interview late this week on Faux Radio (the mouthpiece of the now-sanctioned-right-wing-nutcase-strong Republican Party) she made the following comment:
"I think that what President Bush used to do is do it without the cameras. And I don't understand sort of showing up with the White House Press Pool with photographers and asking family members if you can take pictures. That's really hard for me to get my head around...It was a surprising way for the president to choose to do this."
Um, Honorary Slag-of-the-Year, neither 'Dubya' nor the monster that created the evil sperm that sullied an egg in your mother's lair to hatch you in the burning seas of sulfur ever bothered to make any such trips but instead publicly upheld a ban on the photographing of fallen soldiers that was implemented by...who?! NO WAY! Was it really 'Dubya's' father, failed number 41 himself - President 'H' Bush?
If it wasn't so sad and wrong it'd be funny.
President Obama is the first president in recent times to go at 3 am in the morning to meet and pay respect to our honorable fallen soldiers and their families, which makes me respect him even more as the leader of this great country.
And your actions is despicable not only as an unwanted public figure, but as an American.
It was you and your actions that qualified you as the winner of the 'Slag of the Year' award.
Please. Take it.
And put it in your place where the sun will never, ever shine.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HUGE MISTAKE. I don’t think I have the stamina to watch this guaranteed tear-jerker!!
From ‘The Movie Insider’:
With sheer audacity and utter authenticity, director Lee Daniels tackles "Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire" and creates an unforgettable film that sets a new standard for cinema of its kind.
Precious Jones (Gabourey "Gabby" Sidibe) is a high-school girl with nothing working in her favor. She is pregnant with her father's child - for the second time. She can't read or write, and her schoolmates tease her for being fat. Her home life is a horror, ruled by a mother (Mo'Nique) who keeps her imprisoned both emotionally and physically. Precious's instincts tell her one thing: if she's ever going to break from the chains of ignorance, she will have to dig deeply into her own resources.
Don't be misled - "Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire" is not a film wallowing in the stillness of depression; instead, it vibrates with the kind of energy derived only from anger and hope. The entire cast are amazing; they carry out a firestorm of raw emotion. Daniels has drawn from them inimitable performances that will rivet you to your seat and leave you too shocked to breathe.
If you passed Precious on the street, you probably wouldn't notice her. But when her story is revealed, as Daniels does in this courageous film, you are left with an indelible image of a young woman who - with creativity, humor, and ferocity - finds the strength to turn her life around.
So what, this is another tear jerker movie.
What gives?
Well, for starters, is a collaboration between Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry. Oprah has money and can throw away 15 million and wouldn’t miss it, but Tyler Perry validated this movie – his movies always has a moral in the storyline.
Then there are the actors: Mariah Carey is getting RAVE reviews for her unglamorous role as a civil servant in the Welfare Office. Comedienne Mo’Nique seems to have put aside her notorious ego and tackled this head on. Lennie Kravitz plays a starring role also in this movie.
Already winning awards – the 2009 Sundance Film Festival Award – this is sure to be the talked about movie of the year!
Watch the trailer to see what I am talking about BUT BE WARNED: ya’ gonna need the Kleenex just to watch the trailer alone!!
Friday, October 23, 2009

michelle obama,
president obama,
white house
C.R.A.Z.Y.: One of the best movies I've ever seen - ever, ever, ever, ever!

Simply blown away by this movie, not at all what I expected.
C.R.A.Z.Y. is the story of a family in Montreal set in the ‘60s and 70s. Zac, the fourth of five brothers, is born on Christmas Day in 1960, and at once his life starts in a turbulent way. The story focuses on the relationship between Zac, his brothers, and his father. All the boys are rough and rowdy, but Zac was special and born with a gift, his mother will tell anyone who listens. However, as they grow up Zac and his eldest brother change from boisterous kids to troubled young men, each with his own demon bent on controlling their lives.
It’s a story of growing up, self discovery, living up to expectations, living up to an image
From IMDb: “ It's a story of two love affairs. A father's love for his five sons. And one son's love for his father, a love so strong it compels him to live a lie. That son is Zac Beaulieu, born on the 25th of December 1960, different from all his brothers, but desperate to fit in. During the next 20 years, life takes Zac on a surprising and unexpected journey that ultimately leads him to accept his true nature and, even more importantly, leads his father to love him for who he really is. A mystical fable about a modern-day Christ-like figure, "C.R.A.Z.Y" exudes the beauty, the poetry and the madness of the human spirit in all its contradictions”.
The soundtrack to the movie perfectly aligns itself to the narrative of the story and features hits from Patsy Cline, David Bowie, Pink Floyd – just to name a few, woven into the storyline along classical orchestra music.
The visuals are stunning, the cinematography amazing, complete with just the right touch of symbolism without seeming too avant-garde or overpowering.
French (with subtitles), this is really a must see!
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where do I start - that "babies" are not aborted - fetuses are?
That abortion is a woman's choice and the church should focus more time on prevention rather than religious rhetoric?
That if these 3300 "babies" were born, how would we care for them? We already have too many children in the system unable to find homes, who are kicked out on the streets at the age of 18 with no support and no money to help them survive on their own?
That if the church backed gay adoption we might be able to take care of SOME of of the children stuck in the system?
Let's just say I had to use all my resolve NOT to drive my car all over those crosses........idiots.....
abortion rights,
roman catholic church
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