Liz Cheney - devil spawn of former Vice President Dick Cheney and right hand to Mephistopheles - recently came out and criticized President Obama for going to Dover Air Force Base to meet and honor the bodies of patriotic Americans who died in the current war in Afghanistan.
During an interview late this week on Faux Radio (the mouthpiece of the now-sanctioned-right-wing-nutcase-strong Republican Party) she made the following comment:
"I think that what President Bush used to do is do it without the cameras. And I don't understand sort of showing up with the White House Press Pool with photographers and asking family members if you can take pictures. That's really hard for me to get my head around...It was a surprising way for the president to choose to do this."
Um, Honorary Slag-of-the-Year, neither 'Dubya' nor the monster that created the evil sperm that sullied an egg in your mother's lair to hatch you in the burning seas of sulfur ever bothered to make any such trips but instead publicly upheld a ban on the photographing of fallen soldiers that was implemented by...who?! NO WAY! Was it really 'Dubya's' father, failed number 41 himself - President 'H' Bush?
If it wasn't so sad and wrong it'd be funny.
President Obama is the first president in recent times to go at 3 am in the morning to meet and pay respect to our honorable fallen soldiers and their families, which makes me respect him even more as the leader of this great country.
And your actions is despicable not only as an unwanted public figure, but as an American.
It was you and your actions that qualified you as the winner of the 'Slag of the Year' award.
Please. Take it.
And put it in your place where the sun will never, ever shine.
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