I watched the speech live last night on C-SPAN, and thought that President Obama gave a good speech, and reminded me of how much his administration has achieved for the GLBT community in his 8 months in office. It was a speech that re-enforced my belief that the president is on our side, and will do what he can to further our cause.
However, members of the GLBT community showed their ugly side in comments posted on my favorite blog Towleroad. (Click here to see all comments posted by Towleroad readers.)
I was personally insulted by comments made by obvious 'haters' who expect everything to be quick and easy, and probably live in the drive-though lanes of fast-food outlets.
Here was my response to all the negative comments:
I see the roster of bitchy venom-spewing queens were out in force with the snide comments.
Look, here's the brutal truth you constant center-of-attention grabbing whores: we're NOT the most important item on this administration's agenda right now; there are far, FAR more important issues like getting the economy back on the right track, passing health-care reform, overseeing the two wars we are fighting, trying to stop Iran from nuking the Middle East, etc.
If the White House were to focus NOW on repealing DADT or DOMA, the right wing-nuts would chip away at his popularity making the above listed and more-important issues moot, and raise questions amongst independent voters who may decide NOT to support Obama in the next general election.
Right now I am FAR more concerned about passing health-care reform than pushing for marriage rights for my non-existent partner. And that issue is also more important to GLBT families with children than getting hitched.
The nation - not just the GLBT community - needs a shrewd politician in the White House right now to get all of the above listed things done....but in order of priority that benefits the nation as a whole - not only a small minority that comprises just 10% (or less) of the population.
Also, he is NOT the person who repeals laws you morons; I didn't grow up in the USA and even I know that it's up to Congress to do that, and state laws and issues have to be approached at a local level, NOT through the White House. So the burden of responsibility of getting DADT and DOMA repealed, and ENDA and the Matthew Sheppard Act passed is for the GLBT community to be pro-active and aggressively canvass our elected representatives to repeal discriminating laws and enact tougher measures against GLBT discrimination.
Again, Prop 8 was enacted NOT because of the 'blacks' or the 'religious right'; it passed because the GLBT community was disorganized, lazy and complacent, expecting everything handed to them on a silver plate with their mai-tais, condoms and Ecstasy.
This administration has done a lot for us in a mere 8 months with repealing the AIDS ban on visas, recognizing more GLBT benefits on for federal workers, recognizing GLBT families at official events, etc.
What have YOU done recently to further GLBT rights? Or were y'all to busy trolling Towleroad and the internet for pictures of naked pretty boys that you would never, EVER have a chance at bagging?
Let's get behind our president and SUPPORT all he has to do for our country - he is a gust of fresh air after eight years of ignorance and arrogance.
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