Thursday, October 30, 2008


Okay, I know that there are a lot of you who are convinced that not only am I drunk and bloated on the Obama Kool-Aid, but I dove in and am doing backstrokes in the damn concoction, but let me reassure you that I temper my enthusiasm with a daily dose of the ugly Rethuglican propaganda regurgitated ad nauseam on Faux News .

Look, the piece was smartly produced, well lit with muted colors, featuring real stories from people living in (not coincidentally) the 'swing' or 'battleground' states...and it should be. This election is basically a power competition and the person who fights this contest strategically, whether it be with fear, lies, or truth, will win.

What struck me most about the Obama piece was the amount of HOPE that it conveyed.

Isn't what this election should be about?

Our country is in a very bad way and we need guidance and reassurance; someone to lead and lift up through these dark times. Lately I sense that Americans are just plain tired of hearing that the sky is falling, or we must cower in fear from unnamed or manufactured uncertainties.

Obama has a message about hope and promise not only for us now, but also for the future of this country, and that we, united as a nation, need to work together to strengthen our country for future generations.

So McSame/Pale-in-Comparison, what, JUST WHAT, is so wrong with a message of hope and inspiration?!

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