Tuesday, October 7, 2008

THE GOP HAVE DE-VOLVED BACK TO RETHUGLICANS....and we're disgusted but not surprised.

With the McSame/Pale-in-Comparison ticket sinking in the polls the official GOP ticket has taken an political evolutionary step backwards from political party to organized gang of ignorant, racist bullies.

(Opps, I forgot the GOP majority do not believe in scientific evolution, only in divine intervention. So I guess I should really theorize that God decided last Saturday to intervene and fully transform them into the transparent hypocritical "scribes and Pharisees" that they really are... )

The sudden ugly turn of the Rethuglican ticket is not altogether shocking given past tactics of the party when campaigning over the past few decades.

What is surprising and turning off the voting public is the strong racist and violent response to their smear tactics which the ticket seems to be basking in.

Comments such as "Kill him!" shouted by Pale-in-Comparison supporters at a Florida rally when she brought up the Obama's association with Bill Ayers, or the comment"Terrorist!" shouted by another McSame supporter during a McSame rally held late yesterday afternoon - and McSame did nothing to but give a smug smile in response.

Today the media - and the unfiltered internet and blog sites - are all abuzz about those violent retorts being shouted out against Obama at the Palin-in-Comparison and McSame rallies. And the general feedback on this from voters is one of disgust and disappointment.

This reaction, in hand with the current economic downturn being played out daily in the reality soap opera that the stock market has become, is working against the Rethuglican ticket.

And God/Yahweh/Allah/Krishna/Buddha forbid that something should ever happen- or even attempt to happen - to Barack Obama during these final days of the election campaign! The blame for any incidents will be put squarely at the feet of the Rethuglican Party.

The McSame/Pale-in-Comparison ticket is taking a big risk running this nasty negative campaign so late in the electoral season.

And when (not if) they lose this huge gamble, it will be the end of the Rethuglican Party as we know it.

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