Saturday, June 20, 2009

PETA SLAMS PRESIDENT FOR KILLING FLY - and the gays target PETA with witty snark

During a recent interview this week with CNBC's John Harwood a pesky and very persistent fly buzzed around the president's head before landing on the president's arm to rest. In a timed, swift move the president terminated the fly in one swoop.

It has been reported that the uber-liberal People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) issued a statment condemming the president for killing the fly. Said PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich: "We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals. We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."

Members of the GLBT community used this occasion not only to ridicule the PETA statement, but also to vent their frustration and extreme anger at the president for his apparant lack of action on key GLBT issues such as repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" or DADT, the Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA), and the Justice Department's decision to defend DOMA in federal courts.

The response from 'the gays' against this ridiculous statement from PETA were unusually sharp, witty and EXTREMELY FUNNY!!!!! Here are a few examples (courtesy of

"Give me a break - PETA pretends to care...but its only for the money and then they kill the animals they are to care for....hipocrites."

"Every time I read about another PETA press release I get some KFC for lunch or dinner. My personal anti-PETA protest."

"Good idea - Im going to KFC for Lunch - Extra Crispy yard bird sounds Yummy..."

"Waiter? Could I change my order? I'll start with the foie gras and then have the veal."

"Oh, great... now, I'm craving KFC!"

"That was a gay fly he killed"

"Time for a yummy piece of meat for lunch and a quick stop into the store for a new alligator purse! PETAtards are such morons."

"...he probably thought it was a fruit fly....."

"Hmmm. the flies are being attacted to all the shit stired up about promises he has and is breaking towards GLBT."

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