In a statement today the *gag* president said that the "economy is growing, consumers are spending, exports continue increasing and American productivity remains strong,".
HELLO?! Have you been to the gas station recently, you effing moron? Or even the bloody supermarket?! Your innate blindness to the current gas prices, it's effect on the economy combined with the current housing industry situation and your adamant refusal to say the word RECESSION is comparable to Reagan and his refusal to acknowledge the effect of the AIDS epidemic in the '80s.
Is it Jan 20, 2009 yet? Jesus H Christ, the quicker we get this DUMB muthafucker out of office, the better......he is the WORST president EVER...and I really don't give a fuck about "the possible positive long-term effect his policies and appointments may have on the future"......that's just one of the of many weak excuses brain-washed Republicans use in an attempt to justify his presidency and corrupt administration.
AND FOR THE RECORD...I never voted for him.................
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