1. She has nil foreign experience - she only obtained her US passport in 2007 so she could visit the Alaskan National Guard deployed in Iraq.
2. She has limited experience in political office - only serving a brief stint as mayor for a town of approximately 9,000 before her 18 month stint as governor of Alaska, which with just over 680 thousand residents is ranked 47th of all states with regards to populous.
(Some may say Obama also little or no experience but at least he was selected through due process and not as a strategic political move.)
3. Although (legally) vetted by the McSame campaign, she has not been vetted by the harshest of critics - the press corp and the public. Already, they are out in full force gathering information in this candidate and we KNOW they will dig up something.
4. She recently announced that her unmarried 17 year-old daughter is 5 months pregnant for a 18 year-old high-school hockey player. Great family values promotion there.
5. Palin is under investigation for abuse of powers for attempting to have her ex-brother-in-law fired to settle a personal family score.
6. There are reports she left the town she mayored(?) in debt over frivolous pork-barrel projects that failed to benefit the community she administered.
These and other issues are coming to light less than one week after the VP announcement, and the jury is still out whether they will help of hinder the GOP presidential ticket.
To quote gay icon Betty Davis, "Hang on boys, it's going to be a BUMPY ride! "
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