This was to be Obama's moment, McSame, and you orchestrated an attention-grabbing political move. Your selection actually re-energized the conservative base of your party, put your campaign back in the public lime-light, evened your ratings compared against Obama's in the polls. In the hours after the announcement of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as your VP running mate your campaign raised US$4 million in one day. You gave hope to those fanatical pro-choice, gun-toting right-wing evangelicals. You reminded people not to take you for granted: you were at the bottom of the GOP list of presidential hopefuls at the start of this campaign eight months ago, and you proved all naysayers wrong by clinching your party's nomination.
How dare you! This is our (the DNC) election! We, the Democrats, had this thing in the bag!
Sure, we have been squabbling amongst ourselves between supporting Obama and/or Clinton, but that won't weaken our chances - will it?
I mean, we took the American voting public for granted assuming that they will automatically vote 'Democrat' to get rid of 'Dubya' cause they wouldn't keep the Republicans in power - would they?
Stop showing authority by calling the shots at the GOP convention in Minnesota!
Stop demonstrating sensible choices by demanding the toning down of the GOP convention to show consideration to those affected by Hurricane Gustav!
Do you honestly think we will be glued to the television during the telecast speeches of Ms. Palin and yourself to evaluate the GOP ticket?
We are to win this gubernational election!
I demand that you cease and desist your claim to the presidency!
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