This is a site dedicated to the thoughts, comments, views and opinions of a transplanted Jamaican who - through the love, support and toleration of his family - makes his opinions known. Filters on written content may - or may not - be applied, depending on the side of the bed one gets up from, the impact of dreams the nights before, and so forth. CAUTION: A bizarre mix of Jamaican, British, American and LGBT humor is found throughout this blog.
Monday, December 29, 2008
If the shoe thrown at 'Dubya' didn't hit him, is he still a moron?
Some of the shine of Obama's forthcoming presidency is beginning to lose it's luster - especially amongst the GLBT community. They are beginning to have post-traumatic flashback to the beginning of another energetic president with supposed fresh ideas - Bill Clinton - who threw the GLBT community under the bus to appease the right and get his agenda passed. Word of caution Barack: don't mess with a bunch of pissed-off queens.......they may not know karate, but they DO know crazy......
Estimated attendance for the Obama Inauguration now set at 4 million and counting..
Brace ourselves Illinois - the chill you are feeling is NOT a result of the weird weather, but the cold chances of Chicago hosting the 2016 Olympics. 'Blago' ain't going anywhere soon and I'm sure this is NOT siting well with the IOC....
Carolyn Kennedy vying for the soon-to-be vacant senate seat being left by Hillary Clinton. Her qualifications? Just the Kennedy name.
Yeah, the last time we fell for that was eight years ago....and look where that got us........
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
- Stand in front of a mirror. Check for any swelling on the scrotal skin.
- Examine each testicle with both hands. Place the index and middle fingers under the testicle with the thumbs placed on top. Roll the testicle gently between the thumbs and fingers -- you shouldn't feel any pain when doing the exam. Don't be alarmed if one testicle seems slightly larger than the other, that's normal.
- Find the epididymis, the soft, tubelike structure behind the testicle that collects and carries sperm. If you are familiar with this structure, you won't mistake it for a suspicious lump. Cancerous lumps usually are found on the sides of the testicle but can also show up on the front. Lumps on the epididymis are not cancerous.
- If you find a lump on your testicle, see a doctor, preferably a urologist, right away. The abnormality may not be cancer, it may just be an infection. But if it is testicular cancer, it will spread if it is not stopped by treatment. Waiting and hoping will not fix anything. Please note that free floating lumps in the scrotum that are not attached in any way to a testicle are not testicular cancer. When in doubt, get it checked out - if only for peace of mind!
The Matthew Shepard Act (officially, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 or LLEHCPA), H.R. 1592 was a proposed federal bill that would expand the 1969 United States federal hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
An ugly incident two weeks ago in New York only under-scored the need for such an act.
Two brothers from Ecuador who reside in New York City were walking home arm-in-arm on the evening of December 7 when they were attacked by four black men shouting anti-gay and racial slurs. One of the brothers - Jose Sucuzhanay - suffered severe head trauma and subsequently died as a result of his injuries. The other brother also suffered major injuries but survived the attack. (For full report on story go to here.)
These men - heterosexual men ONLY SHOWING BROTHERLY LOVE TO EACH OTHER - were attacked because a bunch of ignorant bigots (yes, black people can be bigots too) - who thought they were FAGGOTS because they were walking arm-in-arm.
I've said it again and again, you do not have to be gay to be discriminated against, and this incident is a sad example.
Can we spell this out any clearer for you?
The Matthew Shepard Act was blocked from passing last year by 'Dubya' and conservative groups.
Thankfully, the passing of the Matthew Shepard Act is a top priority for the incoming Obama Administration.
My sympathies to the family of Jose Sucuzhanay; you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Here are two that have been doing the interview circuit recently:
Of course, there is the ultimate role-model:

Alma Mater: Occidental College, Columbia University, Harvard Law School
Can there finally be a light at the end of the tunnel regarding negative cultural stereotypes for Black Americans?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
During a surprise visit to Iraq today President Bush addressed members of the Iraqi and foreign press in a farewell speech, during which an Iraqi journalist representing an Iraqi media house took off his shoes and threw them as a severe sign of disapproval at the lame-duck president.
My only beef with this?
The journalist MISSED the fucker.......damn......
This is going to be one HELL of a winter if the past weather pattern is any indication; we're now bracing for an ice storm here in Chi-Town. To all of those of us who live in the norther-American region: good luck and may Yahweh/Allah/Buddha/Krishna has mercy on us.......
Methinks the Rethuglicans in the senate chose the wrong time to kill the auto industry bailout bill for strictly ideological and political reasons (isn't it oddly coincidental that Sen. Shelby, Sen. McConnell and Sen. Corker represent states where foreign auto plants are located and headquartered?). What do Rethugs have against labor unions? This is going to bite them in the ass down the road.
Word in the media that estranged Illinois Gov Rod Blagojavich may either step aside or resign this week in wake of last week's corruption scandal. My take? Don't hold your breath......
Will the Obama administration go ahead and seek to prosecute members of the Bush administration for wrong-doings with regards to the Iraqi War and torture allegations? Depends on how bad the economy is next year. However, I STRONGLY FEEL that they should, someone besides the American people should be made to pay a price for devaluation the American brand to the rest of the world.
Keep a close eye on (of all states) Iowa: a landmark case for same-sex marriage is being presented to the state's supreme court for a ruling in favor of gay marriages.
Watched again on telly last night last year's hit Disney movie 'Enchanted' about a fairy-tale princess named Giselle (played by the multi-talented Amy Adams) who is transported to modern-day New York City and while trying to find her way back home to the enchanted forest discovers true love not as planned with her Prince Charming (played by cutie-patootie James Marsden), but with once-divorced single dad Robert (played by Patrick Dempsey). This is my favorite part of the movie when they dance to the song 'So Close' sung by Indiana hottie Jon McLaughlin.
I get soooo mushy when I hear this song...
And of course, a clip from my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE 'The Little Mermaid' that always, ALWAYS makes me cry at the end (damn malfunctioning estrogen gene), sung so beautifully by Disney songstress Jodi Benson......
Friday, December 12, 2008

You also feature under-reported news in an extremely creative way that forces the viewer to watch to the end - comparable to a cliffhanger for a soap opera!
Your 'Lame Duck Watch' of the (pathetically inefficient) President Bush is funny - unfortunately for the wrong reasons.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gould kicked the tying field goal at the end of regulation and booted a 35-yarder in overtime to lift the Chicago Bears to a 27-24 victory on Thursday night, giving their playoff hopes a boost.
With their second straight win and third in four games, the Bears finally appear to be hitting their stride after a convincing 23-10 win over Jacksonville on Sunday. They'll try to make it three in a row — something they haven't done since the 2006 Super Bowl season — at Green Bay a week from Monday.

Bears kicker Robbie Gould (left), my future baby-daddy (love him!) ; pic of me wearing my Bears-gear cheering on the team, much to the demise of certain persons who reside in one of those square states beside Oklahoma.....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Coincidentally, this event is being held on the day declared by the United Nations as Human Rights Day. Gays are encouraged that on their 'day of protest' they donate their time towards causes listed by the UN.
For more information on 'Day Without A Gay" click here.
*sigh* Love it our hate it - Illinois is one HELL of an interesting state to live in!!!!
The last one has me (and most of Illinois) reeling from shock. Here is a summary: because Barack Obama is now president-elect, his IL senate seat is vacant. As per state constitution the governor of Illinois is the only one who has the power to name a successor to fill that seat. Recently, much speculation has been made on who he would name to replace Obama as the sitting senator. However, according to early reports from today's arrest Blagojevich was using his power to name a senate successor as leverage to earn money for himself, essentially holding out the senate seat to the highest bidder. He also made disparaging remarks against Obama saying tot he effect that [sic] "the only thing he is getting from Obama at this time is nothing but appreciation - and it is not good enough".
Does this affect Obama? Not really, but it is an embarrassing situation for the Illinois political circle which already has a piss-poor reputation with regards to honesty, transparency and a corrupt system of political patronism. Obama is taking with him to Washington members of the Chicago Democrat circle - many of whom has had some interaction one way or another with the governors office. This means that their credibility is now under close scrutiny.
Personally, I hope that the FBI and other federal agencies would also take a look at the offices of the Cook County president Todd Stroger, who is the most incompetent, unqualified, arrogant leader in that position and presides over one of the most inefficient, bloated and corrupt governing bodies in the country.
Also, although I personally LOVE 'Elmer Fudd' wannabe Chicago Mayor Richard Daley - his administration needs a little shaking up as well.
All this goes to show - there's a lot going on in the "Land of Lincoln" right now; boring we ain't!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Overhead on 'The Chris Matthews Show': According to John Heilemann, columnist with the New York Magazine VP-elect Joe Biden was first offered the choice of either Secretary of State or VP BEFORE he was announced as Obama's VP pick, and if he had chosen Secretary of State then Hillary Clinton would have been the VP-nominee instead.
Saw the movie 'MILK' on Friday. EXCELLENT MOVIE!!! Very emotional and home-hitting for me. Prediction: Sean Penn wins Oscar for Best Actor for his performance as Harvey Milk, and Health Ledger wins Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in 'The Dark Knight'.
The movie 'MILK' will be akin to throwing kerosene on a campfire in dry brush in California during the dry Santa Ana period. As one queen put it" "no more 'Mr. Nice Gay' anymore..."
Friday, December 5, 2008

I am sorry to confess that in the past few weeks I began to feel a little sympathy towards the current incumbent president, believing that maybe he really meant well and just went about it in the wrong way.
Reality bitch-slapped me in the face this week to remind me that 'Dubya' is one evil self-righteous asshole who tried to force his (not-well-thought-out) agenda that based on religious doctrine and blind ignorant patriotism.
What did he do? In his final days as president (and I use that term loosely) he is going around and using interviews and speeches to try to re-write a positive spin on exactly what happened with regards to the invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation, and is trying to pin the current economic mess on Bill Clinton, the Republican Party, ANYONE BUT HIMSELF.
I would swear on the Bible (if I believed in at least 70% of it) it was the position of being prone in the church pew that instigated the idea for 'Dubya' to fuck-over the American people with his un-informed religious and self righteous rhetoric, thereby ruining all that was good that the American people stood for.
So I nominate, and declare as the winner, George W. Bush as 'Asshole Emeritus' for all of the recorded history of the United States of America.
(January 20th can NOT come soon enough. )
This video is courtesy of the hilarious people at "Funny of Die" The star-studded participants include Jack Black, Neil Patrick Harris, Margaret Cho, John C. Reilly, Maya Rudolph and many more familiar faces.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Short story: MARTINDALE
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mini-obsession: PHYLLIS HYMAN

A tall (over 5 ft 10 in) and beautiful woman who sometimes modeled part-time, Phyllis was the first choice to sing the title track to the Bond movie "Never Say Never Again", but her version was dropped in favor of Lani Hall of the Brazilian Sergio Mendes band fame. During her career Hyman was also nominated for a Tony for her role in the Broadway musical tribute to Duke Ellington - "Sophisticated Ladies".
Yes, I'm on my own
But for the first time in my life
I'm gonna carry on."
"Yes, I'm gonna ache
But I will not break
Some things I can choose
and baby I refuse
to be lonely"
Poignant, isn't it? We can either be lonely, or chose to be lonely. Never saw it that way before. Makes you look at life differently. Be lonely or chose to be.
So from all of us who face the daily challenges of life feeling deserted, alone, naked, venerable, we raise our glasses to you - MISS PHYLLIS HYMAN.
Thanks for the music.
Monday, December 1, 2008

She is the most vividly portrayed epitome of a back-stabbing opportunist I've ever come across. The Palins are really just a bunch of "Wasilla hillbillies raiding Nordstroms from coast-to-coast..." as quoted by a McCain campaign worker.
I'm sure McCain is kicking himself BIG TIME for bringing this red-neck hick into the national spotlight.

AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007,and an estimated 33 million people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment and care in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic claimed an estimated 2 million lives in 2007, of which about 270,000 were children.