I know, I know, out of all of the contenders - MILK, The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, Frost/Nixon, The Reader - I've only seen MILK (twice), but I know an excellent movie when I see it.
Kinda like knowing that Health Ledger will win Best Supporting Actor - not because he tragically died at a young age, but because I knew the very day I saw 'The Dark Knight' that his was a performance of a lifetime.
'Slumdog Millionaire' is the story of three kids living in the ghetto of Mumbai (then Bombay) and how they coped daily with the harsh realities of life in one of the poorest slums in the world. The film shows an unfiltered view of how the impoverished in India live, with the rich culture of the second most populous country in the world used as the film's essential supporting actor.
The story is about true love, and the tests of that can be tried on the bonds of family and friend

I laughed, I was somber, I marveled, I reflected, I cried.
The film doesn't use flashy special effects, multi-million dollar mega stars, fancy costumes or gadgetry to wow the audience like the rest of the movies in this year's Best Picture category. Critics have said that this movie somehow made it in the category of 'Best Picture' DESPITE the lack of any individual nominations for the 'Slumdog' actors but now I understand why - it's
because the essence of the film is born of the work of a talented ensemble, a great screenplay, and against the background of a rich heritage. (Although I personally think that British actor Dev Patel who plays the main role of Jamal in the movie is the performance that stood out.)

If this...no, WHEN this movie wins 'Best Picture' it really will be the 'Slumdog Millionaire' or the Academy Awards.
Run, do not walk, RUN to see this movie.
Check you local listing for times and locations.
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