Rush Limbaugh is no newcomer to making the news. A self-inducing hypocrite (his personal drug addiction issues), a closet racist and self-loathing homophobe Limbaugh has been caught up in past controversies such as labeling President Obama a 'Magic negro", repeatedly calling for the failure of said president, encouraging fraudulent activity in last year's Ohio primaries, making racist comments about NFL players....the list is too long to detail here.
Now, Limbaugh is currently embroiled in a fight with the leadership of the Rethuglican Party.
I don't know EXACTLY what was the trigger issue between the Rethugs and Limbaugh (I tend to ignore irrational, irresponsible and delusional rants aka anything said lately by the Republican Party and its members), but one thing I DO know is that it is unacceptable for a media personality uncredited by time served in elected office to be declared the head of any major political American party.
Rush Limbaugh is all mouth and no action - only stroking his ego in compensation for his male short-comings. He has absolutely NO administrative experience of any kind, and is only inflammatory in his tirades for personal profit.
I am usually NOT one to rally behind the Rethugs BUT.........
In order for this country's continued success we NEED a strong, VIABLE AND CREDIBLE opposition. The RNC needs to get their act together and put this clown in his place or they will never be taken seriously for a long, LONG time. This leadership issue COULD prove detrimental to our country.
Rethugs, I know its hard to take advice from the opposition but do not be played by this clown. Limbaugh is only looking out for one thing and one thing only - his own personal success.
He doesn't give a shit about you, our country or his alleged conservative declarations.
Please - will someone stand up and take control of this situation AWAY from Limbaugh?
Do that and you WILL be the leader of the RNC.......
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