Americans need to wake up and realize that just going around boasting and bragging to the rest of the world that they're the biggest and the best WILL NOT GUARANTEE THAT THEY WILL REMAIN SO if they do not implement new ideas, innovations and major adjustment in social values.
Just because you have enough nukes now to destroy the world ten times over and HAD (emphasis on had) a strong economy will not stop China, Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Malaysia and other countries from making their own....I mean, seriously, who the eff are we to tell other countries what they can and cannot do?
Just because you have enough nukes now to destroy the world ten times over and HAD (emphasis on had) a strong economy will not stop China, Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Malaysia and other countries from making their own....I mean, seriously, who the eff are we to tell other countries what they can and cannot do?
Oh wait - India, Russia, China, Pakistan and Korea have 'nuke-clear' weapons....too late........
Hey America! There were other empires BEFORE the great United States....and they will other empires AFTER the fall of the US (if we continue down the current path). For example - the former glory of the British Empire.....or even the great Roman Empire just to name a couple. And the reason they crumbled was due to resistance to changes in the way the world think...um, thank,,,um, thunk......well, you know what I mean.
Look, (oh God, I just sounded like Obama) - in 15 years China made great strides in taking control of the manufacturing process and has surpassed the US to dominate the world market in this area.
India has - in just under 5 years - claimed the crown of being the most computer savvy resource in the world; if you make a call to any tech support toll-free number you are 8 times out of 10 more likely to be taking to a polite and accommodating sari-clad, curry flavored person in India than a fat, lazy, uncooperative and obnoxious fast-food dependant worker based in the US.
America ranks twenty-eighth - 28th - in the world with regards to internet speed....we're below countries such as Romania, Japan and RUSSIA for crying out loud! (http://www.speedtest.net/global.php)
In the past 15 years Europe has consolidated into a larger and stronger market than the US by strengthening the role and power of the EC and implementing a stable currency system with the euro poised to take over from the US dollar as the preferred currency used for trade in the world markets. Europe is now also seeing the benefits of maintaining a regulated economy that is mutually beneficial to both corporations AND workers - rather than the un-regulated "greed is good" corporate mentality that dominates corporate America leading to last year's crash and the current recession/depression.
(Wait a minute - could the second coming of the British Empire be forming under the guise of the EU?! Crikey.........)
AND TO MY BRETHREN HUSSEIN IN THE WHITE HOUSE: you better do something soon about the healthcare problem in this country because right now your administration is just a continuation of the failed Bush/Cheney policies due to no changes on torture, 'Don't Ask Don't Tell', gay marriage, Wall Street, credit card company strangleholds, failing infrastructure (last week's Washington train crash anyone?).....the list goes on and on and on and on and on......
Hey there President 'O' - where the fuck is the change you so sweetly whispered in our ears last year? I've had enough with the foreplay - time to get to the good stuff!
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