Firstly, for someone who was himself tortured - he is steadfastly sticking to GOP party politics and rather than acknowledge that whoever authorized water-boarding during the Bush administration should be held accountable for the betterment of that black time in American history and to restore the credibility of the U.S. on the world stage - he's instead chosen to spout a "forgive and forget, what's done is done" attitude.
I "betcha" he wouldn't be singing the same tune if he saw any chance of persecuting the people who tortured him for five years in Vietnam, now, would he......?
Then there's the entire Caribou-Barbie debacle.
I will always - ALWAYS - hold him accountable for unleashing that Alaskan she-beast on this country. During his interview this morning with the overly-eager 'Meet the Press' host David Gregory, McSame could have dodged commenting on Pale-in-Comparison's recent antics and remained neutral. Instead, he spouted the usual 'she's more than capable to run the country' bullshit even though he knows that he made a SEVERE bad call in judgement when he selected her as his running-mate last year.
But - to cover his ass - he'll defend his selection because to him anything short of support for her will confirm his error in judgement to his detractors. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling 'cause we all know he was trying to get the Hillary supporters with his Palin selection and that strategy back-fired- spectacularly - in his face.
Sen McCain, if you really were the so-called 'maverick' you were heralded to be - you could have really examined the reasons you failed so miserably last election, and use those issues to pull your party together - but you decided to act out the role of 'sore loser' and criticize everything THE WINNER is trying to accomplish while licking your wounds....
Soooo, to doddering Grandpa John McCain I am awarding him July's 'Asshole of the Month' prize - because you really, really, REALLY deserve that recognition.
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