Monday, August 25, 2008


On Saturday August 23 DNC presumptive presidential candidate Barack Obama formally announced the name of his selected running-mate: Senator Joe Biden. His selection was based on compatibility, experience, amongst other things the public will not be privy to.

Late Saturday morning I was checking my favorite blog "
Towleroad" and saw that the author - Andy Towle - posted an entry about the announcement. I clicked on the link to view comments made by other readers on the selection of Biden as running mate and was horrified by what I read!

The tone of the readers was negative, and there was a lot of sniping between readers on why others were idiots to back Hilary or Biden or others that were on the short list for the VP candidacy. There were other digs or statements that declared that because of the choice they would NOT vote at all or in protest they would vote for Ralph Nader.

I don't understand. We (Democrats) loathe George Bush and the Republican party, but are bickering and fighting amongst ourselves rather than unite together to ensure our candidate - who went through the right channels to obtain the candidacy - has the full support of the party behind him.

Below is MY response I posted (that was ignored):

I must say I am disappointed by the negative attitude of some readers of this blog towards Obama's choice of Biden as VP. Rather than unite together behind the only candidate that will give America - and the GLBT community - a much needed boost in morale, perspective and approach to international and domestic issues, some people are looking to at the first chance to rip-apart that candidate for their own self-gratification and self-righteousness.

Lately there seems to be a growing trend of members of the GLBT community to live up to the stereotype of the 'bitter/bitchy queen'. Rather than showing our united strengths as a highly intelligent, creative and supportive community, there's a lot of needless in-fighting on GLBT and domestic issues.

I am a naturalized immigrant who has experienced how the USA is (negatively) perceived by the rest of the world. One of the things that amazes me and other nationals are American voters obsession to to elect 'the perfect human' to the seat of president. We're all human and have flaws, and we need to remember that. We all make mistakes; the important thing is that we learn from them.

Let's focus on the strong points of the DNC presumptive candidates and move on.

Bitching amongst ourselves about Obama's decision of his VP is NOT helping; it is only fueling McCain's chance to win the presidency.

As a Hillary supporter I am doing what's best for the party, the country, AND the GLBT community, by throwing my support behind the presumptive candidate and his VP choice.

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