After numerous threats and much badgering I was dragged to participate in a yoga class last Tuesday. Although I was apprehensive - seeing that I had been to the gym for at least an hour before and was tired and sweaty - I decided to go as it was something I've always wanted to do. I mean, this was a movement about getting in touch with your inner self and at this point of my asexual life getting intouch with anything involving my body seemed like a good idea.
The determined on drove us to a non-descript strip mall off University Drive in Coral Springs to a small store that specialized in massages and spa treatment. The determined one went ahead to make arrangements while I stood outside finishing a call to a friend.
I entered the enterprise and asked where yoga classes were being held. The young man behind the counter directed me toward the back of the store where I proceeded to get lost in numerous massage rooms. After a few "Hey, I'm in here!" and "I think you're in the wrong place buddy!" I swallowed my genetic aversion towards asking for directions and stopped a spa attendant to show me the way.
I found the room classes were being held and sat down beside the determined one who had removed her shoes in preparation for classes. The yoga instructor was already there setting up for classes - a soft-spoken, lithe man in his late 40s who calmly greeted me and helped me settle in.
Yoga is a group of ancient spiritual practices designed for the purpose of cultivating a steady mind. It originated in India possibly as early as 3300 BC. A practitioner of Yoga is called a Yogi or Yogini. Yoga has been defined as "technologies or disciplines of asceticism and meditation which are thought to lead to spiritual experiences and a profound understanding or insight into the nature of existence." Outside India, yoga is mostly associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga, or as a form of exercise. (Courtesy of Wikipedia.)
After a few late arrivals classes began. "Sit in a comfortable position and if you can sit cross-legged with soles together, close your eyes and let's begin.....OOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......"
At first I found the pace of the class slow and easy to keep up with. A few of the poses such as downward-facing dog, and head-to-knee pose to felt good to the muscles, and warrior I and warrior II made me feel as if I was practicing a ballet move (a dream of mine), but three-quarters through the class the positions became challenging - especially such as the wheel pose and the flying crow - and I kept thinking, "you want my WHAT to go WHERE?! Are you buying me a drink after that movement buddy-boy?!"
One the whole the class was an interesting experience that really is a even-paced workout I could get used to.
Maybe I might just look into this further.....
1 comment:
I've tried yoga and also found it a little too challenging after a while....did it help me...nope dont think so
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