The LOGO Channel sponsored websites and released the Top 100 Sexiest Men and Woman of 2008 based on voting submitted by the LGBT community.
These lists are a startling look at differences in how gay men and gay women perceive sex appeal in others. A looking at the list of men selected by gay men demonstrates how much the gay community suffers from AADD when it comes to loyalty their of good-looking men - anyone not prominently visible in 2007/2008 saw their value drop in the 'hot' rankings. Presumed staples such as Matthew McConaughy fell 56 places (from 38 last year to 92), Mario Lopez fell by 17 places to #37 on the list, Josh Duhamel fell 35 points (from 33 last year to 68), Orlando Bloom fell 16 places to 65th place, and Taye Diggs fell 46 spots to number 51 to name a few.
Robert Downey, Shia LeBeauf, James McAvoy, James Marsden, are high placing (but not surprising) new comers who made waves last year in the entertainment field.
The person selected as number one is surprising (considering the visual competition), but understandable - showing that while gay men normally have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to good looking men men - they do have some emotional loyalty based on a role that person played in gay history.
For the 100 Hottest Men of 2008 as voted by members of the LGBT community click here.
On the women's side, the lesbians did not fail to live up to the stereotyping of being attracted to the soul rather than the body: while the men had to wade through eye-candy from the bottom of their list to find out who was number one - the ladies had their winner up front and center, a person who is considered a quiet but powerful beauty not just for her looks but for her brains. The remaining top 20 of the list were credited as sexy not for their looks but for their intelligence, wit and humor, which they used to positively portray the strong, unflinching female. (Woman power!)
Straight sex symbols such as Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, and Jessica Biel are sparingly scattered through a proud list of women not admired and loved for their tits and ass, but for their smoldering beauty and strong feminine mystique.
Go to this link to view the full results of the Hot 100 Women of 2008.
(Authors note: one can count on the Hottest 100 Men of 2008 being the most accurate and dependable ratings list due to the pedigree of the judges - the cattiest, most judgemental, no-holds-barred-when-it-comes-to-male-physical-beauty group in modern society. They will spare no feelings when it comes to selecting the hot, sexy and knee-weakening men.)
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