After 13 years of Catholic school, 3 years as an alter boy for weddings, funerals (after which I would have the WORST nightmares of the coffin coming after me) and general mass, after debating and reading most parts of the bible (I said I went to Catholic school - it was mandatory that we read the bible), TODAY is the first time I am hearing of this (old) gossip.
According to the Bible good ole King David seemed to have had an affair with another man!
This is just one of the many known 'alliances' between same sex couples, other notables being Ruth and Naomi, and Daniel and Ashpenaz.
Getting back to HM David:
According to the bible my mommy gave me (I knew that thing would come in handy one day) in 1 Samuel 18:1 "After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself."
It gets better. Samuel 18:2 "From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return to his fathers house. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt."
Okay,that sounds waaaaay too much like a marriage and honeymoon to me.
It get even more interesting: When Saul tries to kill David, David runs to Jonathan for comfort: 1 Samuel 20: 17 "And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself."
Awwwwww........young love!
Then the sad (and juicy) part: Jonathan is killed and David mourns him: 2 Samuel: 26 "I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women."
I'm just speechless.
Here is the much lorded King David cavorting around the desserts of the Middle East with his boy-toy and they forgot to tell me about this in school or church?!! Or even in gay camp?
All I ever heard about same-sex relations documented in the bible is good 'ole reliable Leviticus 20 vs 13, about a man laying with another man, but of course all those self-righteous religious BASTARDS conveniently forget about the rest of Leviticus that says that persons who eat shellfish or adulterous women should be put to death by stoning, or that any man that has sex with a menstruating woman should be exiled.
I say with set up a sting outside Red Lobster and start stoning a few heretics - eh? And let's exile those menstruating copulating couples to Florida.......
Who's with me?
(For more info on those three same-sex relationships in the bible visit the below link: )