So, does SEX SELL? I think - no, I know that it does, and so do most 'mad men' out there in the corporate world.
Take for example, everyday item used by women worldwide - the brazzaire and pantie. Stick it on a hanger or plain box, and it is referred to as "unmentionables". Stick it on a group of tall, busty, Amazon models parading down a runway under the blushing name of Victoria Secret and it becomes a totally different product that women crave to own.
Another example are everyday items such as shampoo or even a hamburger. Plain, in a bottle, on a shelf and necessary for proper hygiene, or greasy, soggy and wrapped in paper and very bad for your cholesterol. How can you distinguish yourself from hundreds of other competitors?
BUT...get a woman to seductively eat that burger as if she was....well...you know...eating MEAT, and it suddenly whets your appetite for a Hardees burger. OR, get another woman to have an orgasmic hair washing experience and you suddenly know the name of an obscure shampoo product (Herbal Essence).
Women are not the only ones being used to "get the juices going" - Diet Coke used a man for a famous 1994 ad campaign that got tongues...wagging. And sales of the product soared!
All in all - sex DOES sell, and maybe if I use and bold these words - SEX, BREASTS, ORGASM, ORAL, BUSTY, BUTT, PENIS, VAGINA, EJACULATE, BLOW JOB, CUM...wait, I'm wandering into another, even far more profitable area of marketing than the world has ever seen: PORN.
But that's a story for another day.....
(Thanx to The Daily Beast for the videos.)
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