Why should any of us get involved or take action?!
After all – we all know that Washington is full of politicians that are either out for themselves, or so crooked and corrupt that nothing we do or say will get their attention.
Do NOT be fooled into thinking that this issue is just a circus show for you to watch on TV and political talk shows while awaiting the outcome. Healthcare reform is a serious topic that affects all Americans, and has mushroomed into a battle-royal between ordinary, hard-working American citizens and the gluttonous denizens in the corporate world.
Now don’t get me wrong: I – like many Americans – cherish the basics of capitalism that drive our economy: competition between businesses and organizations to provide quality products to the consumer at a fair price.
But in this global market over-crowded with insatiable up-and-coming “every-man-for-yourself” greedy pigs armed with singular, ladder-climbing corporate interests only see a few selective words - competition between businesses and organizations at a price – and ignored the remaining tenant of this honest principle. These soulless creatures view the consumer as an unlimited resource for wealth, and seek obscene profits regardless of the cost – human lives or otherwise.
(For example, can anyone say “the Iraqi War”, Halliburton and Richard ‘Dick’ Cheney? But I digress…….)
Health insurance companies - initially set up by privatization to oversee and control the escalating costs of the healthcare industry through fair market competition – have taken the term GREEDY CAPITALIST PIGS to a new level. Since 2001 to 2007 the profits of the health insurance industry has increased by 400% with executives and CEOs making salaries that are 200 times greater than most in the working class...while the income of the middle class society has remained stagnant and/or contracted over the past 20 years.
Now, in a knee jerk reaction stemming from fear of losing control of their lucrative cash-cow system, the health insurance companies are funding the organizing of these so-called “protest groups” whose sole purpose is to disrupt any rational discussion on healthcare reform that may actually benefit the consumer instead of the corporation They are stoking the fear and insecurities of the weak and ignorant-all for the purpose of keeping them in the wealth and lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed.
And they are using the illegitimate whore of capitalism as their mouthpiece: the Republican Party. After all, all that’s left of the Republican Party are….well…..”birthers”, deathers” and racists – and for ANY price they are the most easily manipulated minds – an important element in a propaganda campaign.
Healthcare reform affects you: you who are insured and you who are not insured. You who are insured may think you have a great plan while you’re healthy – but God forbid you have a serious illness such as cancer, a serious organ condition, any major life-threatening injury – and you will see exactly how great your insurance really is. Medical crisis is now the leading factor in bankruptcy cases over the past 15 years.
So, sit there. Do nothing. This will “take care of itself”, or “has nothing to do with me” ……..
…until you’re faced with a life-threatening crisis. And while you’re sitting in the emergency room waiting the average 8 hours or more to see a doctor you may think to yourself, “maybe I should have done something….”
Like contacting your congressperson and letting them know how you feel about the issue: go to this link https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml , select you state and zip code to locate who your elected representative is. Then shoot them a quick and concise note telling them exactly how you feel about the issue of health care reform.
Or visit the local office of your congressional representative to speak with someone about your concerns. Go to http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml to locate your district representative’s local office and make a visit – you may be surprised at the sense of accomplishment you feel after!
Or you could just do nothing.
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