While we're at it - let's just get rid of any public assistance whatsoever - I mean government is inept at overseeing anything - right?
So, let's stop Social Security payments - I mean it's bankrupting the budget.......
And to cut more costs and fully follow the capitalist way - let's stop organizing and funding with taxpayer's money the army, the navy and the air force.
Let's get rid of maintaining and installing any infrastructure such as roads, road lighting system, emergency services, the National Guard, etc.
Heck, why not dissolve the freakin' United States of America?! I mean, the union seems to be overrun by buffons, dim-witted presidents and supreme court judges who took advantage of affirmative action laws to get where they are, and tree-hugging liberals who believe in silly things such as science and global warming.
LET'S JUST DO ALL OF THE ABOVE and plunge this country into a dark, backward, ignorant society who only cling to the flag while saying a prayer to keep good white folks in power.
Now those who oppose public health-care or any health-care will feel at home.
Right at home in the backwoods of society as the rest of the world advance past us.
I mean - this whole super-power title is just that: a title.
And we lost THAT competition on January 20, 2001.
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