Sunday, July 6, 2008


On Monday I went to see the latest Pixar release 'WALL-e'. I had been intrigued by the trailers from previous visits to the cinema and thought that it looked like an interesting ditty. The first 30 minutes of the film show how a lone garbage compactor robot - whose main task is tidying up excessive garbage that today's society seem to generate without much effort - copes with his daily grind. His daily routine is interrupted one day with the arrival of a sleek, modern, curvy robot on a search mission. I can not go into any more details about the rest of the film without giving away a few surprises but I can say this - I was NOT disappointed by my expectations. The film delivered cute and touching story without while imprinting a very strong message on the environment and our role with it. Although there were some concerns that the lack of dialogue in the first 45 minutes may prove boring to youngsters, I heard nary a peep of complaint, only occasionally peals of laughter from the kids that attended. I heartily recommend this heartwarming story for good, light-hearted entertainment for both kids and adults alike.

4 stars out of 5.

Meanwhile, my expectations for the pre-ordained Will Smith holiday blockbuster 'Hancock' were not met: I found the storyline muddled and weak in places, the editing poor, the tongue-in-cheek humor a bit thin and adolescent, and the special effects dull and lack-luster. I must admit that I was disappointed as I've always found previous Will Smith films entertaining (i-Robot, I Am Legend, Hitch), but I was really not that surprised as the pre-opening promotion seemed excessive to me, a tip-off that the movie was weak. The ending felt flat - a theme felt constantly through-out the film.

(barely) 2 stars out of 5.

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