Sunday, December 14, 2008


This is going to be one HELL of a winter if the past weather pattern is any indication; we're now bracing for an ice storm here in Chi-Town. To all of those of us who live in the norther-American region: good luck and may Yahweh/Allah/Buddha/Krishna has mercy on us.......


Methinks the Rethuglicans in the senate chose the wrong time to kill the auto industry bailout bill for strictly ideological and political reasons (isn't it oddly coincidental that Sen. Shelby, Sen. McConnell and Sen. Corker represent states where foreign auto plants are located and headquartered?). What do Rethugs have against labor unions? This is going to bite them in the ass down the road.


Word in the media that estranged Illinois Gov Rod Blagojavich may either step aside or resign this week in wake of last week's corruption scandal. My take? Don't hold your breath......


Will the Obama administration go ahead and seek to prosecute members of the Bush administration for wrong-doings with regards to the Iraqi War and torture allegations? Depends on how bad the economy is next year. However, I STRONGLY FEEL that they should, someone besides the American people should be made to pay a price for devaluation the American brand to the rest of the world.


Keep a close eye on (of all states) Iowa: a landmark case for same-sex marriage is being presented to the state's supreme court for a ruling in favor of gay marriages.


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