Thursday, December 18, 2008


Too many times in the past I have heard from ig'nant Rethuglicans and others who think that the Matthew Shepard Act is an unnecessary bill - part of the so-called 'gay agenda'.

The Matthew Shepard Act (officially, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 or LLEHCPA), H.R. 1592 was a proposed federal bill that would expand the 1969 United States federal hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

An ugly incident two weeks ago in New York only under-scored the need for such an act.

Two brothers from Ecuador who reside in New York City were walking home arm-in-arm on the evening of December 7 when they were attacked by four black men shouting anti-gay and racial slurs. One of the brothers - Jose Sucuzhanay - suffered severe head trauma and subsequently died as a result of his injuries. The other brother also suffered major injuries but survived the attack. (For full report on story go to here.)

These men - heterosexual men ONLY SHOWING BROTHERLY LOVE TO EACH OTHER - were attacked because a bunch of ignorant bigots (yes, black people can be bigots too) - who thought they were FAGGOTS because they were walking arm-in-arm.

I've said it again and again, you do not have to be gay to be discriminated against, and this incident is a sad example.

Can we spell this out any clearer for you?

The Matthew Shepard Act was
blocked from passing last year by 'Dubya' and conservative groups.

Thankfully, the passing of the Matthew Shepard Act is a top priority for the incoming Obama Administration.

My sympathies to the family of Jose Sucuzhanay; you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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